The Spirit of Optimism

"Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, July 25, 2011

Too Relaxed

I took Red out for the first real ride today.  He has been trained before, but needs some work.  He is not soft at all and needs some serious miles.  He spooked at a bug coming out of a bush.  Did not want to go through water, but we got past that.  We took him through town and he did pretty well.  After 6 miles we were loping home.  He was shying away from a barn way out to the right.  As I was ready for him to shy to the left I was thinking about what would happen if he shyed into the reflector (on the left).  So my weight is positioned to the left to offset a shy...but next thing I know he shy's away from the reflector to the right - go figure.  Well all my weight is on the left and my saddle isnt made very well and always has you sitting forward, so off the left I go.  I land right at the horses feet as he is running. (thank goodness I didn't land right on the reflector post) Sarah says I have grass stains on my shirt.  I watch his feet run over me and I pull the rein toward me to stop him.  Sarah thought he stepped on my stomach, but he cleared everything except my left elbow as I held the rein.  Then I feel the reins pull through my hand.  Ouch, talk about burn.  i didn't wear my gloves....I love my gloves...why did I not have them on.  This is why I always wear them.  I have no idea why I thought I wouldn't need them.  Well Sarah is my hero.  She runs past, stops Yama, jumps off and grabs my horse.  Good job Sarah!  We get back on and pick up right where we left off...running and all.  I hope I dont feel it tomorrow because I have to go on a 4-5 hour cattle drive.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Take me out the the.....


Nice Hit!

Outta here!
Stealin' Home!

Waiting for the out on 1st....

Pitcher's mound - Going after those balls...


End of the Year

Good Job - Games well played!

Ward Party

Sarah is deciding whether or not she wants to do the games....

Jacob and his friend thought they would try out the team
 work thing...


I think Jacob was in a hurry.  :-)

Wheel barrow race..Dave is Not competitive at all....
Honey - you are racing against kids....Sheesh.