The Spirit of Optimism

"Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Exciting Day

Long day again. But it was a lot more mellow than yesterday. We closed today and as I walked around the property I got excited again. I just tell myself I did not buy it for the house. :-) there is a lot! of work. I wish I had an army to help walk around, pick up junk, stack wood, repair fences...and clean a dead cats carcass out of the shed.....I just tell myself one thing at a time. I write down lists and categorize them or I would go insane trying to get too many things going at the same time.

And Dave saw a 5 point buck on the way to work this morning. I love to see them, but i hate the thought of knowing that deer season is coming up. And a lot of people will walk out there door and shoot one in thier front yard. So sad. Daves company lets the entire company have days off for the hunting's big here....imagine that.... ;-p

Monday, August 30, 2010

Long Day

Today I was up at 5 and the kids were up at 5;30. They went to their first day of school. I stayed in Bridger Valley and Evanston getting things ready for the move in. After picking the kids up from school we had 30 min to kill before the final walk through. So I drove over to the Lyman Cemetary. This is what we saw. I tried to get closed, but the dominate/curious one finally said enough and they ran - Oh how i wish i had a zoom on my phone! I believe we saw the same ones by the freeway on the way home at 8. The kids are finally asleep after a stressful evening (9:45). BTW - I have all the respect in the world for those who have moved...especially if they are downgrading from what they had before. 2 more days of this same insanity.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jacob's Day with Mom

Jacob had fun with the baby. We took him out in the round pen. Jacob ran around it and the baby ran around with him.

Jacob got on for about 5 min. He refused to take her out. Still too nervous.
She is rubbing her face because I worked her hard and she was sweaty.

Little Joe

Little Joe before his mom died. This is the picture I saw on the advertisement. He has lost weight since this picture. I talked to the guy yesterday who feeds the race horses and will try that mixture to get him back to where he needs to be.
Little Joe and his mom. (backside I know. only one she has)

Little Joe's Dad

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I am just SO excited about the change. I had a total blast today. Sarah and I, after seeing the new horses, went and rode Mercury. She was back to her normal self - cooperative.
I met the gentleman who is letting me keep her at his place and he is extremely generous. He will let me use his truck and trailer to get the horses in 2 weeks. He is helping me out so much with making this change happen smoothly. I am really thankful for being introduced to him. I had a really fun time talking horses with him and his ranch hand. Great people.
Being out with horses all day means everything to mean. Dream come true!

Sarah Having fun with the Camera

Our 5 year old gelding

This is Brock. We went and saw him up in Kamas...absolutely beautiful country. He is actually not a mustang. He was bred up in Kamas.
I was switching halters on him and Sarah was playing with the camera.
He was a little bit apprehensive about what I was doing. He has not been trained so I am seeing what I am in for in the process.

He is extremely overweight. He has fat by his withers which I have never seen before. So he will need a lot of work before winter.
Lovely a picture of my backside.
Well, when I train a horse I lay on them to make sure that they are willing to let me swing my leg over. I also see if they will hold still. I don't want any horse I train to walk away before the rider has told them to.
He was a little jumpy when my knee got his side, but did very well.
When I encouraged him to go, he was confused. So when I nudged with my heals he jumped. He has not clue what is going on.
I worked him on his softness. He was very willing to listen. When I took Sarah out for a ride he, again was confused, but very willing to please. I am really excited to work with him. Sarah is too. :-)

Our New Foal

Sarah and I went to Evanston and Kamas today checking out our new horses. Here is our 4 mo old baby.

His Dam (mom) is RC Vans Tiger Joe C and his Sire (dad) is RC Watch Joe. So I think we will register him. RC Tiger Watch Joe. And his nick name will be Little Joe.
He is a little under weight. His mom died a month ago. So we will need to add some extra nutrients to his diet before winter.

He was actually quite lovable. Sarah is so excited to play with him. She did not want to leave.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our New Horse

Our New Horse - a 5 year old Mustang. Can's wait to bring him home. We will go see him tomorrow.

Mercury's Temporary Home

The One-Year old Racing Prospects
The black mare was really mean to her and she did not want me to leave.
It took her a while to feel comfortable.  But as soon as she made friends with the geldings in the other field, she doesnt want to leave or have anything to do with me.  :-/
This years foal - Sarah finally was able to get close.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crazy day

I was up at 6 - left for Salt lake at 7. Had the 3 kids with me. Spent 8 hours at the storage warehouse going through boxes looking for Dave's DD14 so we can get a loan on this new property. Did not find it. But I did find insanity, a headache, unruly kids and an emotional hopelessness. Hope they can wait until we get a new one sent to us, despite the slowness of the VA.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lower Left Property

Fantastic horse pasture in the lower 7 acres. Just need to add some trees for shade and it will be perfect.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The front yard - We will eventually tear this house down and build the house I want. But for now, this will be home.

The little bunny is wild, but has adopted the yard. There are also many deer foot prints all over the property which will be fun to see. Especially when we get trees planted and the property watered.

Horse pastures -Just needs some fences fixed, but once it is watered, it will be great!

The deep hole will get filled up with water and be a pond, which I have already researched to landscape...'park like'
Side yard with wind break

New Property

It has boundries larger than we thought. We have not seent he property on the lower left, but have already had an offer from someone who wants to buy it. We are not sure if we will sell this part. it looks like great pasture.