The Spirit of Optimism

"Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, May 23, 2011

Someday Over the Rainbow

I thought maybe today I could get out and train the horses....

I don't mind the rain,(I actually love riding in it), but the mud and the lightning are another matter. I was told that it is not normally this wet and the cold is usually not this late in the season...I am sure glad of that. I love the cool summers, but weather that I can train in for more than 3 months would be nice!!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Water Fun!!

Grandma and Grandpa Woodland came over after church.  We grilled up some T-bone steaks and checked out the irrigation water coming in.  The kids kept buggin me to go playing in the water.  I thought it was too cold and didn't want to deal with the mud. 

When we took the grandparents on a tour, sarah had gone and gotten the snow sled and was about to slide down the bank with it into the water....

After Grandma and Grandpa left I closed the gates and let the horses out.  Meanwhile Dad told the kids they could play.  So when I got back to the pond they were all in the inlet playing.

 Sam, black dog on the right, LOVES the water as much as the kids.  He swam across that I dont know how many times.

I brought Merc down to the water to do a little training.  The other horses followed.  Dad did not have the camera at this point.  The 3 daring horses went out into the pond and actually swam out a bit...all on their own.  It was pretty cool.  I coaxed Merc out and she finally walked in.  pulling on the lead rope!  I was NOT getting wet, so I let go.  She headed toward the other horses. They went straight up the back of the pond and straight down the other side. They took off running to the other end of the property.  I told Dave I wanted pictures of them in the water, so get the camera.

i did not want to walk...remember the ankle...this time, so Dave drove me down to the horses.  I jumped on Merc.  Not thinking it would be a big deal I did not tie the lead rope on either side of the halter.  I just left in in the loop at the bottom of her chin.  So I only had the lead on one side of her neck.  I ride her all the time in a halter, but the lead is tied to either side so there is still nose control.  I walked her back to the pond turning around several times to try and coax the other horses back - they were too interested in the grass at this point.  I finally got back to the pond and was walking up the drive to the side they could go in.  Merc had always hated water, so she was wound up and nervous as it was.  As we came up to the top, she saw a black head in the water swimming toward her...Sam...  and if you have seen previous posts you will see the volitile relationship they have.  So she freaked.  Wheeled around and started to run...and she runs fast.  I remember thinking as she spun, crap - I am going off.  I slid to the sid eof her barrel, kind of like a trick horse rider.  A horses back can be very slippery.  I held on like that for a few strides reaching for her halter so I could pull her head around.  Well gravity won.  I went down flipped, but refused to let go of the lead: at least at that point.  She was in no mind set to slow down.  She pulled me along I bounced at least 4 times across my back Dave says, and I let go of the rope.  have some fun road rash along my back, but the knots in my quads hurt the most.  I landed on my front legs...I think some rocks were there.  lol.  Anyway, I sat there for a bit.  Waited for the stiffness to subside and then went on got the horse from Dave.  I was getting those pictures!! 

I could not get Merc to go back in.  She kept pushing into me to stay out.  I didn't have my tools to encourage her.  I did not want to give up, but I decided to let it go.  We will try another day. 

Yama playing... 

Austin out swimming....INSANE...That water is cold - Now that I think of it, maybe Merc was thinking the same thing.  ;-)

Today....It is about 3-4 feet higher.  The bank where the horses stood yesterday is no longer there.

The inlet - Still coming strong.  As soon as it is to the 'full point' we want, I will need to open the drain at the bottom the same amount that it is coming in.  This will flood the pasture below the pond.

Accident Prone

I think I can say I am accident prone.  Not sure if it is because I am assuming that life is a box of chocolates or if fate is trying to tell me something.

I cute my finger to the bone - 7 stitches;
got whacked in the back of the head and trampled by the horse;
whacked my finger with a hammer - blood blister under the fingernail hurts;
really messed up my ankle...and then in my next post you will see that last thing...all in the last 6 weeks. :-/

I did this by steppin on an uneven peice of concrete....wore a splint for 2 days.  Yesterday I was able to walk without the splint...and then...(next blog)

Fossil Butte

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

I accompanied Jacob's 4th grade class on their field trip to Fossil Butte.

 It is amazing the things these kids can do with thier DSI. There were at least 6 of them playing the same game. No wires, no computer.

Waiting to go on the hike....

We did not get to go on much of a hike because the snow had not melted soon enough and it is too muddy to go on the trail up to the fossil dig site.  They will have researchers digging in the end of june.  We will come up and try the hike with just the family.

On the left side of the Butte over the hills there is a forest of pines.  The Elk, during Elk season come over that hill to the park to stay away from hunters.  Many hunters will wait just outside of the park for the elk movement and get an easy kill.

Vole trails created under the snow.  Yes, Vole, not Mole.

This thing was as big as a dog.  No hunting up here so I guess they can grow big.

 The Butte - it is cool to hear the history of Fossil Lake. Before the land rose and the erosion created the valley 52 billion years ago, there were alligators and palm trees here.

Inside the center the kids were able to play a Jeopardy game.  It was pretty fun and the kids learned a lot.
(Jacob is in from of thes pictures, but the flash got the pictures and not him.  :-0  and we had to run because they were waiting for us at the bus.  ;-))

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not what I want - But it will work for now

The farm truck.  '86 Ford F250.  Has a 460 so the gas mileage is far from good.  But it will work great hauling posts and hay.

Sarah and I got what we want!

Sarah got some new boots.  Her other ones were so small and she kept wearing them to school, so I thought it was time to upgrade.

My Round Pen!!
I finally got my round pen. I had gone to Murdochs and the guy there talked me into something I really didnt feel comfortable with...went against my gut and got it anyway. brought it home and set it up. Hated it! So i took it back and they refunded my card. Had to wait to decide what i really wanted. I figured out what I wanted, but then had to wait days to have the $ put back on my card. So I went back a 3rd time and picked it up. I came home, had austin set it up and tried it out. Love it!

Sarah riding Mercury - Phone pictures are not that great.  :-/

Here we go again - next and last batch of Chicks for the year

Six black sex-linked/Six gold sex-linked
Haven't lost one yet.  I am pretty confident that keepin their hiney's clean is the difference.  The last batch when I got them were not clean and I did not know that you had to 'wipe' them.  ;-)  (I think they were already backed up when I took them home. - i may have been able to reverse it if I had known.)
  These were all clean but one when I took them home. I took care of her for 2 days and she had been fine.

     The kids couldnt believe the last batch were so small when we got them.  So I had to compare.

Love the bronze color on this one!

2 weeks old --They grow up so FAST....